A new regular transit container train will start running on the territory of Ukraine

жд контейнер Украина

Starting from the March, a transit container train from Belarus to Romania will begin to run through the territory of Ukraine on a regular basis. This is reported by the press service of JSC “Ukrzaliznytsya” (“UZ”).

This train will become the eighth transit container train, which will carry out transportation on the Ukrainian railway on a permanent basis. The route of the new train on the territory of Ukraine will run between the stations Udritsk and Vadul Siret. It is planned to transport at least 32 wagons with containers in its structure.

One of the advantages of such a logistic scheme of freight is to minimize the delivery time. The approximate time of following the new train on the territory of Ukraine will be about one and a half days. Shippers choose this type of transportation, as it is economically advantageous compared to other types of transport and provides the best safety of cargo.

Recall that in the 17 container trains (7 of them are transit trains), running on a permanent basis through the territory of Ukraine, last year 95,700 TEU were transported, which is 29% of the total volume of transported containers.


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