A traffic jam of more than 100 ships with grain from Ukraine is observed near the Danube Delta

About 130 vessels with Ukrainian grain are waiting in line at the entrance to the Romanian Sulina canal, where a traffic jam of many vessels has formed. This is evidenced by data from the Marinetraffic monitoring service.

The occurrence of traffic jams is due to the fact that as a result of the liberation of Snake Island, navigation through the Sulina canal has become more active. Difficulties are added by the fact that the canal is one – way, and ships can wait for weeks for their turn to pass.

According to the Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine, a few days ago, the passage for ships carrying agricultural products was restored along the bystre estuary canal of the Danube River. At the same time, it is reported that the export of grain through the Danube Canal does not allow Ukraine to provide part of the previous volume that went through the ports, because the depth of the mouth does not allow large ships with grain to pass through.


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