Container lines invest in the development of logistics networks


One of the world’s largest shipping companies in the world is Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A. (MSC) informed the regulatory authorities about the purchase of the German forwarding and logistics company Atlantic Forwarding Group. It is reported that this step indicates that the second largest shipping line (after the Danish company A.P. Moller-Maersk) intends to develop a service in the field of forwarding and logistics.

Last year, MSC launched a large-scale reorganization aimed at transforming its business into a “global container logistics integrator”. It is also noted that MSC also acquired Searunner Shipping, a Hong Kong-based company that belonged to the family of the founder of Atlantic Forwarding, which was established with a view to developing business in Asia.

In addition, the American shipping container line Crowley announced the completion of the merger of its linear operations with Crowley Logistics by the beginning of 2019. According to Steve Collar, who will lead Crowley Logistics, the integration of linear services and logistics operations into a single one should allow a comprehensive approach to the task of maximizing the efficiency of supply chains.


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