HHLA has created a new rail container transport operator in Ukraine

German logistics and transport company HHLA is creating an operator of railway container transport in Ukraine. This was announced by the Director of MD HHLA International Philipp Sven at the recent Freight Forwarders Forum.

Officially, Ukrainian Intermodal Company (UIC), which will provide rail container transport services, was registered at the beginning of this year. Now it is fully owned by HHLA (CTO and HHLA International), but according to the plan, HHLA will retain only 20-30% of the stake, 50-60% of the shares will belong to the freight forwarding company and sea lines. The remainder will be given to free circulation.

According to Philip Sven, such a structure will ensure partnership between various market players and investors, attract a wide cargo base and financial resources. In order to develop Ukrainian Intermodal Company, HHLA intends to invest in leasing or purchasing rolling stock, as well as in terminals in the interior of the country. The company also intends to establish cooperation with “Ukrzaliznytsia” to create competitive working conditions in the market of railway services.


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