In 2018, Ukraine reduced the export of vegetable oils by 1%


According to the data of customs statistics published by State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (SFS), in 2018 Ukraine reduced the export of vegetable oils (compared to the previous year) by 1% — to 5,955 million tons. In monetary terms, exports fell by 2.6% to $ 4.39 billion.

Thus, the export of sunflower, safflower and cotton oil was $ 5,585 million tons for $4,113 billion in soybean oil Exports amounted to 214,718 thousand tons for $152,538 million, rapeseed and mustard oil — 144,259 thousand tons for $111,591 million.

The largest deliveries were made to India — $1.774 billion (43.1% of commodity exports in monetary terms), China — $333.955 million (8.1%), Iraq — $261.67 million (6.4%). Exports to other countries amounted to $1,743 billion (42.4%). The share of the commodity item in the total volume of exports in monetary terms amounted to 8.7%.

At the same time, it should be noted that in 2018, Ukraine increased imports of vegetable oils by 5.9% – to 238,722 thousand tons, imports in monetary terms decreased by 0.9% – to $192,734 million in particular, imports of palm oil amounted to 220,853 thousand tons for $158,275 million, coconut and palm kernel oils – 12,993 thousand tons for $19,728 million.


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