In October, the Port of Odessa set a new record for the processing of vehicles


On October 25th in the Odessa sea port the new record on processing of motor transport was recorded. According to the data of the cargo transportation and escort service of the port administration, 1722 trucks were serviced within one day. Of these, with imported goods — 552 units, with export – 713, with transit – 29, with empty containers – 247 machines. The average daily indicator of this year, noted in service, is at the level of 1000 cars. Thus, the volumes increased by more than 70%.
According to the head of the Odessa branch of SE USPA Igor Tkachuk, this achievement is the result of systematic work of the port administration to improve the infrastructure of road transport processing. This result was achieved thanks to the improvement of the electronic document management system, as well as continuous work on improving the technology of cargo handling at terminals.


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