The 17th International conference Fat & Oil Industry 2018 started in Kyiv


Today, November 6th, the annual event of fat-and-oil industry of Ukraine — international conference Fat & Oil Industry — 2018 started its work in Kiev. This event, which is held for the seventeenth time, is the largest discussion platform for participants of fat-and-oil business in Ukraine and many countries of the world. So, this year about 300 participants representing more than 250 companies, industry organizations, analytical agencies, representatives of public authorities from 24 countries of the world take part in the conference.
It should be noted that the sponsor-partner of the conference is our company Global Ocean Link, and one of the speakers is Pavel Mirzak with the theme of the report: “Features of shipments of sunflower meal to the countries of Southeast Asia”.
You can follow the photo and video reports from the event in our Instagram account or on the official Facebook page.


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