The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduced “mirror” restrictions for cargo carriers of other countries

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decided to introduce “mirror” measures to countries that impose restrictions on Ukrainian carriers. This is reported by the press service of the Ministry of Infrastructure.

According to the Minister of Infrastructure Vladyslav Kriklii, Ukraine supports the free movement of goods between countries and did not limit the implementation of freight traffic in any direction. The economy, both Ukrainian and other countries, is obliged to work, but after the introduction of restrictions on Ukrainian carriers by some countries, our government was forced to introduce similar measures.

It is noted that the government has made changes to the order No. 287 of March 14, 2020. From now on, appropriate measures are applied for drivers and crew members of cargo vehicles, air and sea crews, river vessels, train and locomotive crews of countries that have established restrictions on crossing their own borders for such persons from Ukraine on the principles of reciprocity.


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