The global container fleet exceeded the mark of 50 million TEU, increasing by 14%

According to the Drewry Shipping Consultants data, in 2021 the global container fleet grew by 14% and amounted to 50.5 million TEU, which is 7.2 million TEU more than in 2020.

Experts explain this dynamic by demand from carriers, logistics operators and cargo owners who are trying to “protect” their supply chains. The raised demand for container equipment is also due to an increase in volumes against the background of economic recovery from the consequences of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, there is continued growth in the segment of transportation of perishable products, beverages and bulk chemicals, which stimulates demand for refrigerated containers and tank containers.

Another increase in demand is caused by a strong reduction in productivity and a slowdown in the turnover of containers. Thus, the average turnover period of a container in 2021 increased by 30% due to delays in the port, interruptions at the land border and the operation of sea lines. According to research, the slot utilization rate on container ships averaged about x2 per year compared to about x1.75, for example, in 2019.

It is worth noting that, that according to Drewry analysts, in 2022 the volume of container production may fall to 4.5-4.8 million TEU.


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