The Kyiv branch of Global Ocean Link held an online lecture for NTU students

global ocean link

Last week, a representative of the Kyiv office of Global Ocean Link Anna Khakhva held an online lecture for masters of the National Transport University (NTU) on the topic “Freight forwarding in the organization of sea transportation”.

Future masters had the opportunity to get acquainted with the basic concepts and principles of logistics, the peculiarities of the logistics process in the organization of sea transportation, practical cases of our company and so on.

It should be noted that the Global Ocean Link and all its representative offices (in Odesa, Kyiv, Kharkiv and Vinnytsia) have been cooperating with various universities throughout Ukraine for many years, holding meetings and lectures with students. Our program “Students” provides additional education for masters who want to prove themselves in the field of logistics, so we will be happy to accept young, energetic and purposeful students into our team.

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