The Law “On multimodal transportation” was approved by the Parliament of Ukraine

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Today, on November 17th, Verkhovna Rada adopted the law “On multimodal transportation”. 298 people’s deputies voted for the relevant draft law No. 4258. This is reported by the press service of Verkhovna Rada.

Multimodal transport involves the transportation of goods by two or more modes of transport (for example, by rail and road, or by sea and rail) under a single through contract. The operator of such transportation is responsible for the cargo from the moment of acceptance of the cargo to its delivery at the end point, and the customer does not need to determine at what stage of transportation problems occurred and which of the carriers is responsible for them.

The adopted law should regulate such transportation at the legislative level. It introduces the very concept of multimodal cargo transportation into the legislation, defines the terms of transportation contracts, the rights and obligations of the parties, the basic principles of state regulation and state assistance for this type of transportation.


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