The reliability index of the global container transport schedule decreased significantly in 2021

According to the consulting company Sea-Intelligence, in 2021, the reliability of the global container transportation schedule has fallen to the lowest possible level. For example, this indicator fell to 32% in December last year, which is the lowest since the measurement began in 2011.

The company, which analyzes the reliability of 34 trade lines and more than 60 carriers, says that this figure is 12.5% lower than the same indicator for December 2020. The average delay of ships arriving late was more than seven days for the fifth consecutive month.

“Not a single carrier recorded an improvement in schedule reliability compared to the previous year, while all but four carriers recorded a double-digit decline year-on-year”, – the Sea-Intelligence report says.

At the same time, it is noted that of the 14 largest carriers, Maersk was the most reliable with an indicator of 46.2%, while the lowest indicator was recorded at Evergreen – 14.4%.


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