TOP-5 food products Ukraine exported in 2018


According to the press service of the Ukrainian Food Export Board (UFEB), last year it was possible to increase the supply of food products from Ukraine in the amount of $800 million. According to the data, the total value of exports of agricultural products amounted to $10.4 billion, while in 2017 this figure was $9.6 billion.

In the overall structure of exports, we can note the TOP-5 of the following products, the shipment of which were the largest: oilseeds – $4.1 billion; meat and edible offal of poultry – $507 million; sugar (beet) – $217 million; chocolate products – $171 million; bakery products – $153 million.

UFEB analysts also noted that the structure of total exports of value-added products will show growth in 2019, but compared to exports of commodities, the growth will not be so impressive. The leading positions can be reached: butter (in 2018, Ukraine entered the TOP-5 world exporters of this product); apple (there is a tendency to expand the export geography); eggs (domestic livestock is growing steadily, as well as egg production); honey (this product retains its export potential); soybean oil (the main condition is that the acreage is not significantly reduced).


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