Ukraine has reached the second place in the world in terms of grain exports

In the 2019-2020 marketing year, Ukraine became the world’s second largest grain exporter with a result of $9.6 billion, which is 40% of all foreign exchange earnings in the country. This is reported by the press service of the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine.

«Ukraine is an important player at the international grain market, one of the guarantors of food security in the world, and has the potential to increase the production and export of grain. According to the results of the 2019/2020 marketing year, in total, in terms of exports of all grain crops, Ukraine became the “silver medalists”, passing only the United States», the Deputy Minister Taras Kachka said.

It is also noted that, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, in the 2019-2020 season, in the ranking of the largest grain exporters, Ukraine took the second place in terms of barley supplies, the fourth – in corn and the fifth – in wheat.


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