Ukraine is building the largest vessel in the history of independence


There are three orders at various stages of readiness at the shipbuilding and ship-repair factory “Nibulon”, including the largest ship in the history of the enterprise and independent Ukraine – the floating crane “NIBULON Max” (length – 139.5 m, width – 28 m, hold capacity – 13 , 6 thousand cubic meters, deadweight – 8.82 thousand tons.), the main purpose of which is the transportation of grain cargoes, as well as loading and unloading operations on the open roadstead.

On the stacker platform continues to build and weld the bottom parts of the hull, and started the installation sections of the second layer, among which the side section, engine rooms, bridges between the holds and spaces auxiliary machinery. In the engine room are preparing to establish the Foundation of the main diesel generators. In other parts of the plant are manufactured components of the vessel, in particular — in the assembly-pipe and mechanical workshops, in the metalworking shop and the assembly and sectional shop.

The press service of the company notes that such an active implementation of the shipbuilding program of the company is, in turn, a positive signal for Ukrainian metallurgists. In the coming years, the NIBULON fleet will consist of 100 vessels built of Ukrainian metal and working with the Ukrainian crew, under the Ukrainian flag on the waterways of our country.


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