Ukrzaliznytsia freight tariffs will be increased by 14%


JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” (“UZ”) made changes to the financial plan for 2019, adjusting the indexation of tariffs for cargo transportation downwards. So, it is assumed that instead of the previously mentioned 16.6%, in fact, the increase will be 14.2%. At the same time, according to the press service of “UZ”, the indexation of new tariffs for cargo transportation will be postponed from February 1 to March 1.

According to Andrii Riazantsev, Director of Economics and Finance, the proposed automatic indexation of tariffs is actually an adjustment to the real economic conditions, first of all, it is the cost of preparing traction rolling stock for the needs of the economy. Without sufficient funds “Ukrzaliznytsia” can not fully prepare for peak traffic, which traditionally fall in the second half of the year. From delaying the process of implementation of indexing and lengthy approvals, the market only loses, because less time is left to prepare resources for such peak traffic.

It is also noted that in 2019 in the forecast of economic and social development of Ukraine, according to the Ministry of Economic Development, the growth of quantitative indicators is expected at the level of 10.1%. That is, without equalization of tariffs for transportation of goods by rail on the producer price index for 2018, in the future the gap between them will only increase. According to the State statistics service of Ukraine, from 2009 to 2018, the growth of the producer price index outstrips the index of tariffs for the carriage of goods by rail by 70%.


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