Updated list of routes for container trucks without special permits


The Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine responded to the fines that the National Police write to container carriers. MIU representatives said that the list of routes for which no permission is required for container trucks with a height of 4.35 meters will be clarified and transferred to all relevant departments, including the police. It is reported by the press service of the Association of International Freight Forwarders of Ukraine (AIFFU).

The reason for the revision of the list was the appeal of AIFFU, in which the freight forwarders told about the increase in the cases of drawing up fines for violating the weight and dimensional norms. Police issued fines to container truck drivers, despite the current list of routes on which no permits are needed.

It is noted that the basis for such actions of the National Police was the letter of the Department of Patrol Police of Ukraine №10128/41/2/02-2018 from 10.09.2018, where it is reported that “due to the political situation in the country and the construction of new roads, the above list of routes has lost its relevance, is advisory in nature and requires revision”.

“At the same time, the agency, at its discretion, canceled the normative act of the highest order. Namely the list of routes on which permissions for the movement of container carriers 4,35 m high, regulated by the current Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “About journey of large-size and heavy vehicles on highways, streets and railway crossings” No. 30 of 18.01.2001 are not necessary. From such a peculiar interpretation of the legislation, carriers suffered when working with vehicles with a total weight of up to 40 tons inclusive and container trucks with a height of 4.35 meters and a total weight of up to 46 tons,” the AIFFU noted.


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