“UZ” is implementing a pilot project on guaranteed cargo transportation


In March-April JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” (“UZ”) plans to launch a pilot project for the sale of guaranteed cargo transportation through electronic auctions. This information was reported by the Director of Economics and Finance “UZ” Andrii Ryazantsev.

“Today we are actively discussing the launch of such a product, which would partially cover the volume of traffic for the next months. For example, in March we will sell 5% of grain transportation in September. The concept of guaranteed transportation provides that “Ukrzaliznytsia” compensates the customer for the double cost of transportation in case of non-delivery in accordance with the obligations. Today we sell delivery of the car for a certain date, but it is incomplete operation. Of course, there is a high interest in this service in the market, but guaranteed delivery of cargo from one point to another will be more interesting for our customers,” Ryazantsev said.

He also added that “UZ” will launch a new product with a small volume and will gradually increase it. In the beginning, the product will be applied only to the route transportation: the buyer will be able to choose the stations of dispatch and delivery from the list of route stations. It is noted that the starting price of guaranteed transportation will be the same as for conventional transportation.


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