The GOL team took part in the international intellectual tournament in Munich

munich gol chgk

On April 18-22, the international festival of intellectual games “Spring Umlaut 2019” was held in Munich (Germany). Players and teams from such countries as Germany, Czech Republic, France, Estonia, Poland, Switzerland, Azerbaijan, Finland, Russia, Great Britain, Belarus and Ukraine gathered for competitions in the heart of Bavaria.

The only team that played in the tournament in the status of amateur was our team. Despite the fact that this is only the second major international tournament in the history of the team, our erudites performed well, showing good results, both in the main tournament and in additional ones (“What? Where? When?” on German theme, “Jeopardy”, etc.).

By the way, we should also note the fact that literally right after returning back to Odessa, the GOL team perfectly played the next stage of the Intellect Club N1 Cup, winning the “golden” awards and strengthening itself on the first line of the overall table.


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