EU and US plan to influence the growth of freight rates for container shipping

The rapid growth in container shipping tariffs has attracted close attention from the leaders of the European Union and the United States. This is reported by Bloomberg Law with reference to the spokeswoman for the EU’s antitrust arm Arianna Podesta.

«The European Commission closely monitors the shipping industry and collects all the necessary information, working closely with representatives of liner companies, port operators, carriers, shippers and freight forwarders. In the future, this will help us to identify various opportunities for intervention that can contribute to a return to normal work», Podesta said.

At the same time, a new executive order should be signed in the U.S. in the near future, which, among other things, will require regulators to encourage competition in the maritime transportation segment, where alliances control more than 80% of the market. In particular, the document will oblige the US Federal Maritime Commission to take measures against the overstatement of tariffs by carriers for American exporters.

It should be noted that according to data published by Drewry World, the cost of shipping a container with goods to the United States from China has increased to $10,000, which is 229% higher than a year ago.


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