Global Ocean Link has launched new cargo traffic from Romania to Hungary


Global Ocean Link, which is one of the leaders in the market of transport and logistics services, has opened a new cargo traffic from Romania to Hungary.
The first load was 40 overall galvanized steel coils weighing more than 300 tons. First, the cargo was delivered by sea from Turkey to the port of Constanta, where it was unloaded from the ship by a floating crane and delivered to the place of temporary storage, from where it went safely by road further to the final recipient in Hungary.
By the way, this direction is quite interesting and promising for us, so it is likely that in the near future there will be an option to work with barges on the Danube.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please call us +38 (048) 797-20-48 or write us via e-mail, and our staff will advise you and make the necessary calculations.

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