Global Ocean Link together with Maersk Line launched a railway service to the port of Gdansk

We are proud to report that as part of the work on expanding delivery methods and freight traffic, Global Ocean Link, with the support of the Maersk Line, has organized a regular container train on the route “Gdansk (Poland) – Ukraine – Gdansk (Poland)”. The transit time of cargo delivery to the main destinations is less than 5 days.

Global Ocean Link has its own container fleet of over 150 TEU, so we can provide SOC equipment to customers if required.

The main advantages of shipments via the port of Gdansk in comparison with the ports of Ukraine are:

Recall you that at the beginning of 2020 our company successfully launched an experimental container train from Ukraine to the port of Rotterdam (the Netherlands), and since then we have been providing rail services to Poland, Germany and the Benelux countries on a regular basis.

We are always open to cooperation, and our specialists will be happy to advise you and answer all your questions!

☎ +38 (048) 797-20-48

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