Sea ports of Ukraine continue to increase cargo handling

порт Украины

According to the operational data of the USPA, in the first four months of 2019, the seaports of Ukraine handled 48.8 million tons of cargo, which is 5 million tons (or 12%) higher than last year. During the reporting period, exports grew by 20% compared with the same period last year, while imports and transit declined by 5% and 18.5%, respectively.

Among the seaports, the leaders are four ports, which provided more than 87% of the total transshipment volume in the last four months. The port “Yuzhny” transshipped a little less than 15.5 million tons (+ 19.6%) compared with the first four months of last year, the Nikolaev port – almost 10.7 million tons (+ 20.3%), the port of Chernomorsk – 8, 4 million tons (+ 20.9%), and the Odessa MTP, more than 8 million tons (+ 5.5%).

More than a third of the total volume is the transshipment of grain cargoes, which has grown by almost a third (+ 4.4 million tons) compared with January-April 2018. More than a quarter – more than 10.5 million tons – increased handling of ore. The increase in the processing of chemical and mineral fertilizers (by a quarter by bulk, by more than five times) was quite significant – by 385 thousand tons. The growth trend in container handling continues: +47.8 thousand TEU (+ 18.6%) in the first four months of 2019 compared with the same period last year.


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