The volume of export-import operations at the Odessa Customs has increased

In January, the volume of export-import operations at the Odessa Customs increased compared to the same period last year. This is reported by State Customs Service of Ukraine (SCS).

Export operations decreased by UAH 0.79 billion to UAH 31.14 billion, while imports increased by UAH 2.72 billion to UAH 13.27 billion. The main export goods are corn, sunflower oil, wheat, iron ore pellets, rapeseed and barley, while imports are cars, coal, flat rolled metal, footwear, and palm oil.

Top 5 exporting countries are: China (23%), Germany (6%), Netherlands (5%), USA (5%), Turkey (4%). Top 5 importing countries are: USA (54%), Ghana (13%), China (9%), Turkey (6%), Ecuador (2%).

And we remind you that the Global Ocean Link company provides customs clearance services for goods both separately and in combination with accompanying freight forwarding. Thanks to the professionalism of our employees, as well as the established high business reputation of the company in the customs authorities, Global Ocean Link provides high-quality brokerage services for all customs regimes.


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