Ukrzaliznytsia will lift all restrictions on the transportation of transit cargo through Ukraine to Poland

From February 10 of this year, Ukrzaliznytsia (UZ) intends to lift all restrictions on rail transit to Poland through the territory of Ukraine. This is reported by the company’s press service.

It is noted that this became possible thanks to the coordinated operational work of the railways of the two countries. In particular, as a result of numerous negotiations held between the management of the Polish Railway and UZ, PKP improved the reception of trains from the Ukrainian side at the junction of Izov-Hrubeshiv. As a result, the daily exchange increased and on some days reached 10 trains. These indicators are sufficient for rhythmic transportation between countries without congestion of wagons at the border. Previously, this figure reached a maximum of 8-9 trains, and sometimes 7 trains per day.

In addition, JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” is awaiting approval by the railway company PKP LHS (Poland) to change the fee for the use of wagons owned by the Ukrainian railway, which is significantly lower than the market. Now the accrual is carried out under the terms of the contract, which was signed back in 2019. At the same time, UZ implements the transportation service in its own wagons on the territory of Ukraine through the ProZorro system. This makes it possible to distribute freight wagons on competitive terms and at market value.


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